Senpai to Boku no Natsuyasumi no Koto

Senpai to Boku no Natsuyasumi no Koto

Read Novel Online Senpai to Boku no Natsuyasumi no Koto, 先輩と僕の夏休みのこと

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    Chapter List

    Senpai to Boku no Natsuyasumi no Koto

    “Senpai to Boku no Natsuyasumi no Koto” tells the story of Makoto, a student active in the library committee, and his senior, Iroha.

    Iroha, who is one year older than Makoto, calls him “boy”. Iroha is described as a beautiful girl who has a unique personality.

    Her love for books earned her the nickname “bookworm”. It is this common interest that brings Makoto and Iroha closer together, and they often spend time together.

    Iroha is an active and expressive person. She does not hesitate to show her interest in Makoto with various flirtations and blunt approaches.

    Iroha's straightforward attitude makes Makoto often feel nervous and misunderstood. As their interactions become more intense, feelings of young love and desire begin to blossom between them. Scenes like kissing and peeping toms add color to their romance. The coming summer becomes a pivotal moment that will change their relationship.

    Tamazawa Madoka (玉沢円)
    Sekiya Asami (関谷あさみ)
    Teasing, Voyeurism, First Time, Older Woman, Younger Man, Summer Romance
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